GDS Consulting

Creating the right data management policies, procedures, and processes to ensure it remains accurate, secure, accessible, and usable for analytics insights should be a top priority.

Database Management Services


If you're feeling overwhelmed, you're not alone as the majority of companies don't have a plan for managing their data properly. By partnering with GDS Consulting, you can develop a cohesive data ecosystem that accurately provides the answers to your business questions.

The good news is, by engaging GDS Consulting to get control over your data, you will benefit from clear, specific information and effective workflow that leads to better decisions, greater efficiency, and a valuable insights. We understand your requirements and how your solution needs to evolve so we continually innovate and expand our solutions. We work in partnership with your site personnel right from project inception, providing ongoing innovation delivered through solution upgrade, until a solution that meets your needs is complete.

Developing data management procedures and workflows that enforce reliable and quality data collection are vital. GDS Consulting will help you develop and manage a data dictionary, data layer, workflows, QAQC monitoring, disaster recovery plan, and more.

Our Service offering includes the following:

Database and Workflow Development

Whether it is a bespoke database designed and development for your specific needs or enhancing your current database, GDS Consulting has the global expertise to help you achieve your business requirements.

Data Profilling, Analysis and Cleansing

  • Do you trust your data? 
  • Do you believe some of your data shouldn’t be where they currently are in your system?
  • Have you recently received data that requires cleansing or do you have datasets that requires cleansing before sending it out?

If you believe any of these applies to you, then contact GDS Consulting for some advice. Contact us now

Database Administration and Management

  • Are you overwhelmed with your current database administration tasks?
  • Is your database administrator taking a break?
  • Do you need a pair of helping hands in administering and management of your databases?

Whatever your case, GDS Consulting can tailor a solution that meets your needs.

Database Hosting

We have the capabilities to host your database in a Microsoft Azure platform. With this offering, we take away the hassles and costs that comes with having your own on-premise hosting solutions. GDS Consulting has an agreement with acQuire Technology to host client's acQuire database on the acQuire cloud platform also supported by Microsoft Azure services.

If you have an immediate hosting requirements please contact us now

Database Migration Implementation

Data migration is one of the success factors and key components of any solution, At GDS, we ensure that client’s data from their legacy systems are migrated into their preferred database system in a manner that is seamless, and promises consistency with any future data that will be captured along with the migrated data.

As we prepare for your data to be migrated, we consider the following and more:

As we prepare for your data to be migrated, we consider the following and more:

  • The type of data or datasets to be migrated 
  • The number of data sources/file formats to be migrated
  • The tools available to be used for the migration
  • The “owners” of the data, their involvement in the migration
  • Determination of the methodology to adopt in the migration process
  • Prioritisation of what data to source 
  • Provision of data migration checklist to client

GDS Consulting is ready to give you the assistance you need. Our experience with working with a number of global companies mean you will ultimately save money with our services and expertise..

SQL and Database Training

At GDS Consulting, we have the skills and expertise to train you and your team on any SQL Server database. Our approach is to impart our client with the basics and steadily build your knowledge in navigating through any database.

Database Advisory and Mentoring

We have all been in the situation where we have been left alone to deal with the mammoth task of managing a database that we do not know much about. GDS Consulting has the required expertise to tailor training and mentoring for our clients. We are available to provide advisory services as and when required.

Core Image Management

At GDS Consulting, our partnership with Imago ensures that we have the necessary tools to help you manage your geoscientific images in a seamless cloud solution on the Imago platform. This means, your geoscientific image data will be securely and readily available to you anytime, from anywhere in the world

System Integration

Do you have a number of applications that are sitting in their own silos but believe could be integrated with each other? GDS Consulting has the technical capabilities to assist you in integrating a number of technologies like LIMS, GIS, and mine planning applications.

Architecture & Solutions Analysis Design

GDS Consulting has the expertise to help you determine requirements, ascertain whether value can be derived from a project and provide guidance in strategic solutions relating to core business processes. We do ensure that solutions are aligned to architectural framework. We have the skills to ensure solutions standardised and optimised to meet your business processes and requirement needs. 

Auditing, Process Improvement and Optimisation

Do you have an idea of your data management process and maturity level? The importance of proper data management is sometimes underestimated hence flaws and gaps are encountered in systems year in and year out.

Partner with GDS Consulting expert advice, and in partnership, help you develop a model ensuring your data and database management KPIs are met.


1st Floor, Cradock Square, 169 Oxford Road,
Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa

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Contact details

Phone: +27-11-759-4048


Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM


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