GDS Consulting

Creating the right data management policies, procedures, and processes to ensure it remains accurate, secure, accessible, and usable for analytics insights should be a top priority.

Feel free to Contact us if you feel we haven't answered some specific questions.

Feel free to Contact us if you feel we haven't answered some specific questions.

How much investment do I need to make to protect my data?

Good data is expensive to collect therefore the appropriate and proportional investment must be made in protecting and safeguarding these core assets, your data.

I don't have one single source of truth to my data, I have multiple sources to get the same dataset?

Having multiple sources of truth to the "same" data is problematic. GDS Consulting can help you build a simple yet robust solution to ensure you always have a single source of truth to your data.

I would like my database to be hosted on the Cloud, how do I get this done?

There are a number of ways to get this done, one way is to use the Microsoft Azure cloud solution. GDS can provide you with the industry solution and expert advice specific to your needs.

I have data in one database that requires migration into another, how can you help me?

GDS Consulting has successfully completed a number of migration for a number of global companies. We can assist you in building the require migration scripts and tools where required.

I am a junior explorer and don't have the finances to buy a database solution, what can GDS Consulting offer?

GDS Consulting offers a number of online database hosting solutions. We have the expertise to have you setup in a matter of days at a very low and competitive cost.

I have dataset that requires some profiling, cleaning and validation, can GDS Consulting help?

Yes we can, GDS Consulting has the capabilities to help you profile and cleanse your database. We have done this countless times for some of our global clients.

I have an SQL training requirement for myself and my team, can GDS help train myself or my team on our existing database?

Yes, GDS Consulting has the required expertise to build a training course using your existing database solution.

How do I ensure my database has no error?

Any database can have error, it is the quality control processes that you put in place that will guarantee the level of integrity you aspire. Contact us now to help you develop the necessary processes to ensure your data is fit for purpose.


1st Floor, Cradock Square, 169 Oxford Road,
Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196, South Africa

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Contact details

Phone: +27-11-759-4048


Open Hours

Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM


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